Dear Friends, and Colleagues:
The ISAM Marrakesh scientific program will include Keynote speakers lectures, symposiums, workshops, panels, free papers, orales and posters sessions.
Speakers from different backgrounds and different countries will share with you the most recent data on substances and behavioral addictive disorders, ranging from research data on etiological factors, comorbidities, therapeutic innovations, digital medicine, rehabilitation, harm reduction measures, legislation, human rights and many other topics.
The conference will be also an opportunity for networking with experts and professionals working in addiction medicine from across the globe.
Organizing Committee :
– Pr Fatima El Omari, local president (Morocco)
– Pr Alexandar Baldacchino, ISAM President (United Kingdom)
– Dr. Hamad Alghafri, President Elect (United Arab Emirates)
– Pr Maria Sabir, Morocco
– Pr Adil EL AMMOURI, Morocco
– Dr. Soundous Seddiki, Morocco
– Dr Mohammed El Mozariahi, Morocco
– Mrs Marilyn Dorozio, Office Administrator, Canada.
Local Scientific Committee :
– Pr Jallal Toufiq, Morocco
– Pr Fatima El Omari, Morocco
– Pr Meriem ElYazaji, Morocco
– Pr Rachid Aalouane, Morocco
– Pr Fatiha Manoudi, Morocco
– Pr Maria Sabir, Morocco
– Pr Adil EL Ammouri, Morocco
– Dr Zineb Haimeur, Morocco
– Dr Mohammed El Mozariahi, Morocco.
International scientific committee :
– Pr Marc Potenza, USA
– Dr Anna Maria Vella, Malta
– Pr Shalini Runogiri, Australia.
Conference space of the Mohammed IV administrative and cultural complex – Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs – Marrakech
Shuttle bus service to and from the Congress Palace “Habous Center”
Bus lines will be dedicated as star shape network. Its center is the site of the Congress Palace “Habous Center”, which constitutes the terminus of all the lines.
Shuttle Frequency
•Peak hours: A shuttle every 15 minutes.
•Off-peak hours: One shuttle every hour.
keynote speakers conferences will be translated to french and spanish.
Symposiums, workshops, papers and oral presentations could be presented in three languages (English, French and spanish)
All abstracts and posters will be written in english.