Detailed Program is now available

Detailed Program is now available
Dear Friends, and Colleagues:
The Moroccan Association of Addictology (AMA) is delighted to invite you all to the 25st Annual Congress of International Society of Addiction Medicine to be held in Marrakech, Morocco from November 2th to 4th, 2023. We are planning an exciting international scientific event for sharing knowledge, within a very rich human and cultural Moroccan experience.
The ISAM Marrakesh 2023 conference will coincide with the 25th anniversary of ISAM. Subsequently, the theme chosen for this event is « Improving Care and Compassion on Addictions : XXV years of Global Focus and Compassion ».
Research in addiction field has evolved enormously over the last few decades and offers new avenues that promise a better understanding, and propose innovative therapeutic options to manage and prevent this disease. Persons suffering from addiction should be placed at the center of a care system that offers compassion, support, and follow-up in specialized, evidence-based addiction treatment modalities.
We will offer you an unforgettable three-day hybrid conference at Marrakech. The scientific program will include Keynote speakers lectures, symposiums, workshops, orals and posters sessions. Translation to french and spanish will be provided during the main english conferences.
This congress will provide an opportunity for networking with experts and professionals from across the globe.
We hope that you will be able to enjoy the city as well. A social program will offer you the opportunity to experience the warm and friendly atmosphere, and the amazing mixture of cultural heritage and modernity of the beautiful city of Marrakech.
The Moroccan Association of Addictology is looking forward to welcoming you to ISAM Marrakech 2023.
Looking forward to seeing you in November!
LOC Organizing Chair
Prof Fatima EL OMARI, MD
Moroccan Association of Addictology

Hôpital Psychiatrique Universitaire AR-RAZI salé Maroc
T : +
E : amaddictologie@gmail.com
Hôpital Psychiatrique Universitaire AR-RAZI salé Maroc
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